Whakataka te hau ki te uru Be aware of the westerly winds
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Prepare for the winds from the south
Kia mākinakina ki uta For the freshness inland
Kia mātaratara ki tai And the briskness on the shore
E hī ake ana te atakura May the red-tipped dawn come
He tio, he huka, he hauhū With a sharpened air, a touch of frost, the promise of a glorious day
Tīhei Mauriora! Breathe life!
Tangaroa wai noa Tangaroa unconditional waters
Tangaroa wai tapu Tangaroa sacred waters
Nāu ko te wātea Vast existence
Nāu ko te ngāwari Responsible for being kind
Nāu ko te marino Responsible for the calm
Nāu ko te hohonu Responsible for the depth
Nāu ko te wai noa Responsible for waters free from restraint
Nāu ko te wai tapu Responsible for the water’s sanctity
Whakanoatia Be unconditional
Whakatapua e Be sacred
Tīhei Mauriora! Breathe life!
Kia tau ki a tātou katoa May we all be settled
Te atawhai ō tō tātou Āriki By the grace of our Lord
Ā Ihu Karaiti Jesus Christ
Te aroha ō te Atua By the love of our creator
Me te whiwhingatahitanga And the fellowship
Ki te Wairua Tapu Of the Holy Spirit
Ake ake ake Forever and ever
Āmine Amen